If you’re going to do it, do it
right, right? Do it with me.
George Michael got it right with
the Wham song ‘I’m your Man’.
Doing things properly is
important, right? No one likes a half done job. Do it right, first time and get
on with the rest of your life. But what is right? What do you have to do? What
are your motivations and what are the risks?
The human brain is an amazing
thing of course. We are faced with thousands of decisions a day and we process
quite complicated pros and cons in seconds, based on our knowledge and
experience. In a working environment that is usually crucial to the success or
failure of the business, because making the wrong decisions wastes time and
costs money.
IT recycling is really very
simple, as I am continually trying to prove. You have something that is at the
end of its useful life with you and you need to dispose of it whilst making
sure that none of your data is left on it.
You may not give a fig about the
environment but you have to dispose of it properly if you want to avoid a
(slim) chance of getting into trouble. I try to be realistic about those risks,
but like all risks they do need to be managed.
The risks in my field are losing
your data to some unscrupulous fiend in the first instance. It happens all the
time. Data breaches are continually cropping up and every now and then the ICO
hands out a huge fine and it becomes front page news again, but I promise you,
there is enough dodgy data on the market to give you nightmares.
Then there is the environment. If
you don’t care, I am not going to convince you otherwise on a little blog I
suspect, but if you need one more fact to make you care, consider this. I could
collect any number of old computers for free and sell them to Africa or India
just like that. Millions of tons of European WEEE go that way every year.
Because in third world country’s
they can rebuild anything and make it work for a few more months or use it for
parts or whatever. £200 for that pallet of old towers Del Boy and don’t ask
where they are going.
And that’s the point of course.
On the face of it, letting country’s not as developed as us get more use out of
old IT kit is a good thing. But what if ISIS is using an old European PC to do
what it does online? And what happens to the kit when it finally breaks down?
It goes into a landfill obviously.
And that is what we are trying to avoid.
So just remember that the next
time you let some Arthur Daley take your old IT kit away. Do it right and make
sure you are not adding to the world’s problems.
Call eReco good, call us bad,
call us anything you want to baby, but if you want your IT recycled responsibly
whilst keeping your data safe, I’m your Man.
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