You have to love the Daily Mail.
They do love a scare story. Yesterday it was your pension data being sold for
5p to unscrupulous cold-callers by allegedly dodgy data companies. Shock
horror, we will never be safe in our beds again!
I caught up with the story on the
Today programme and heard Chris Graham, the Information Commissioner himself,
living up to my nickname for him of Genghis Khan. He was threatening immediate
investigations into B2C Data, the company the Mail outed, with his usual £500k
fine and a bit of decapitation if the guilty were found guilty.
But just hang on a cotton picking
minute. The accusation here was that personal financial information was being
passed on (sold) without the knowledge of the individuals concerned. Well the
B2C website isn’t exactly hiding its activities under a bushel, Mr Daily Mail.
Their website boasts of their 38m strong database and suggests that it has been
compiled from a large number of syndicate partners.
So this is not necessarily dodgy
and that is what the Daily Mail, the Today programme and the man in the street
fail to realise. Every time we apply for something...a mortgage, a phone, a
credit card or even a holiday...we freely give lots of information, and
somewhere in the small print will be a box to either tick or untick talking
about sharing that data.
It’s the junk mail box if you
like. You are opting in if you tick it to agree and opting out if you tick it
to disagree. And whether you opt in or fail to opt out matters.
All email data to consumers ought
to be opt in, by law I believe. Genghis will know this. If you agree to receive
emails, lo and behold you will receive emails. Your address will be sold to all
and sundry for a few pence. Mine seems to be sold to Viagra salespeople and
purveyors of gentlemen’s entertainment but that might just be spam. There is a
difference between unsolicited marketing communications and spam you see. One
you have agreed to, the other you haven’t.
So, just what are the Daily Mail
objecting to here? If B2C are selling data without the required
permissions/opt-ins from their syndicated partners, everyone will be in
trouble. I am not saying it doesn’t happen, because it does, but the real
charlatans are not trumpeting their wares on a web site in my limited
I am afraid the much more likely
scenario is that this is all essentially above board. Companies like B2C
amalgamate data from a variety of sources and if you as an individual appear on
their database it will be because you gave your information to one or more of
those sources. If those sources are legitimate they will have asked you a
question about selling your data on and you will, perhaps unwittingly, have
given them permission to do so. It may have been asked sneakily, it may have
been an auto-ticked box on a web form that you failed to notice, but it will
have been done.
So what data are they likely to
have? Well, basically anything you have ever filled out on a form applying for
something. Name, address, phone number, spouse, number of kids, email, mobile
and middle name for sure. Salary, job title and number of years in your job.
Probably. Nothing startlingly private. Ok, I know it is not stuff that you want
published in the Daily Mail, but it is not really doing you any harm appearing
on a database, and remember, this information is really only going to be used
to select you to receive a phone call or email.
A marketing database is a
prospect list, and someone trying to get you to unwisely take your pension now
in cash (the threat the Mail was highlighting) will have used your salary to
bracket you. He/she earns above X so he/she will likely have a pension of X so
is worth a call. Or he/she is this age and earns that, so he/she is a target.
Every piece of information they have on you is a selector, and really nothing
else. And companies like B2C charge by selection.
The 5p the Mail quoted probably
won’t get you a lot more than email, name and postcode. If you want the
detailed information, you would pay more. And this information has been on the
market for years, both legally and illegally. No doubt, as the Mail says, some
of this information ends up in the hands of criminals, but I am not sure you
can necessarily blame B2C for that.
This needs investigating of
course, but if the accused company have been aggregating data from multiple
sources legally, making sure that the opt-ins and outs were all done properly
by their syndicate partners and then cleansing and managing their database
correctly, I hope they sue the backside off the Mail.
Data is a very misunderstood
commodity. We all create it and give it to people without really thinking about
what we are doing. As a marketer, I want your email address and your permission
to use it. In B2B, my field of expertise, there is much less regulation on this
sort of thing but I still want your permission, tacit or proactive, because the
communication is more rewarding that way.
The aggregation of business data
is every bit as sly as the consumer stuff. For instance, Companies House
happily sells its data on every business registered with it for a nice fat fee.
Then the data companies start adding to this basic registered address and
directors info by overlaying directory data to get trading addresses and phone
numbers. Maybe some research will be done at some stage to pick up some contact
names and bingo, you have a list.
You may not realise that you gave
your data away. You may have been slightly tricked into not noticing the box
which would have stopped it all. But you have done it dozens of times. We are
all on hundreds of different lists. Just one example you probably do not
realise, the Bounty rep who called on you or your partner whilst you were
recovering from the birth of your baby. They gave you some nice freebies and
took some information off you, and that information is one of the most valuable
data sets in the country. New parents are an easy touch you see, like
prospective pensioners. I wonder if the Mail will investigate that?
The moral of all this is that it
is never good to give your data away. Find the box if you are filling out a
form and find a responsible data security and recycling professional if you
disposing of any old computers! Simples.