Content marketing is all the
rage. In fact we are, you and me, engaged in it right now. This blog is
designed to tell the world about eReco, drive traffic to our website and
hopefully make the phones light up with business enquiries. We are active on
Twitter (@erecorecycling), Facebook and LinkedIn for the same reasons.
I would be more active on Google
+ if I understood it a bit more. One of my new year’s resolutions is to master
that one!
In line with all this activity we
are constantly tweaking our website. It is our shop window on the world and in
this day and age it is the most important marketing tool we have. We are
pushing as hard as we can, but like most small businesses we are trying to pull
people in too...attracting them to us like moths to a flame.
I have a dozen statistical
reports in my inbox every day telling me about hits, views, mention reach and
likes, but what I want to do is turn that into enquiries. Because this is a lot
of effort for a small business to take on and do well if there is no tangible
return. In larger companies, in a previous life, I have agonised about budgets
and spend, but this is the sharp end. Every penny counts.
This blog is into the sixties in
posts. I took the time between Christmas and the New Year off, but I have only
missed one working day in terms of posts, and that is a record I plan to
continue, because I think our strategy is working. EReco will probably have
topped 1000 followers on Twitter by the time you read this. Readership of this
blog is going up. Our website stats are on a steep upwards curve and we are
getting our name out there.
We are also reaching out through
other Channels. I have written an article for industry voice on and there will be
another article in March in the green issue of Independent Education Today as well. Also in the last
month we have been appointed as the IT Recycling Partner to the Eco Schools
programme and received DIPCOG approval to operate in the MoD space.
All this has happened since mid
October. And the lesson I think I have learned is that there is a lot you can
do quite cheaply that will make a difference, as long as you have some
patience. In what is only 3 months, we have gone from doing very little
marketing to being very active. Seeing the results of that will take time, but
when this blog reaches 100 posts, I hope to be able to report back on even more
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